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Identity Crisis, 2020

This article explores the fight of fury between the battle of the sexes; or what appears as so from societal behaviors and the media.

The biological clock stops for no one.
Can career versus family life ever be reconciled?
Do we know what the feminists are yelling about?

In todays age, females, particularly between ages of 27-35, are finding themselves in a gender identity crisis. Note: This is quite distinguished from the transgender conflict. This gender identity crisis has yet to hit is peak, but as the millennial generation moves into the 30/40’s age range, and comprises the largest portion of our population, I expect to see a vastly diverse society than what we see now and have ever.

Women work at their peaks between 18-28, without the glimmering thought of a picket fence and welcoming husband ever crossing their mind. But then reality strikes, they reach a cross road where hormones and societal pressures begin to battle.

Females will take 1 of 3 paths

  1. Ignore the biological urge, date more frequently and short term, continue climbing the career ladder.

  2. Throw hands up, seek family and children, leave the 20’s behind.

  3. Immobilization or long term success from balancing or not balancing 1&2.

The word feminism, like many other political buzzwords have been altered far from their original purpose. According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, the word feminine is:

“characteristic of or appropriate or unique to women; feminine beauty; feminine perspective.”

Now to go deeper, we must define what feminine beauty or feminine perspective is, but that has largely been influenced by what society tells us, rather than what is biologically natural. For the purpose of this article, we will rely on what the majority of people believe of the traditional sense.

Most women prefer to be feminine in our appearance. At it's most basic biologic level, the purpose is to attract mates, and secondly to appear better than other women.

This story is as old as time.

In the early 1920s, the word feminism took on a political power of its own. Starting as equal rights, such as a right to vote, and having equal input and access to enhance our skills and education to become more useful in society. The industrial revolution and increasing technology within the household freed up time and spawned curiosity and desire towards entering the professional workforce, as it rightly should.

What is the purpose or goal here if anything but political. Even for political!? Society is perplexing at worst, this is nothing but degrading for human nature.

Herein where the problem lies.

No need to lament on the differences between men and women, for they exist for a reason and should be apparent to most. Whether or not one chooses to believe it is up to the individual. Everyone has a right to an opinion.

However, perpetuating the equality idea without concrete goals of what is to be accomplished, has done nothing but cause confusion, and digressed the ability of women and society to reach new heights.

Men adore women, and women desire to be adored by men.

This is why the earth continues to populate. Now and days, men do not know how to handle the “changing women,” resulting in longer time to marry if at all, have kids if at all, and falling behind the career ladder. This benefits few if anyone.

This is no surprise as Maslow’s Hierarchy states that fulfilling security must come before finding love. It turn out men are at odds with their biological clock as well. For women, similar results, except we are bounded by much less time and pressure.

Does a bear compete with a lion?

Suppose they could, but the advantage lies within their territory. On a general level, men are not suppose to compete with women, and vice versa. This is anything but a waste of time. Who is doesn't want a strong man, who is ambitious, and able to support their families. Which includes supporting the dreams and career choices of women if that be the case. This is not to say that in certain environments, like the work place that competition is not necessary. In that case, competition is inevitable.

Women have the ability to provide wealth indirectly by supporting men, or directly by paving our own path. Our roles are based on our innate capabilities, they can not be performed by a male as efficiently. And vice versa.

Is a lions strength any better than the speed of a cheetah?

If we spent less time focusing on our weaknesses, we would naturally become stronger.

As history has shown, the agenda of women’s rights is nothing new, just read any article from 1920-today. How can any progress be identified when it relies solely on noise making? To continue this saga diminishes the achievements of truly successful women, and those that have sacrificed because there was no time to complain.

Nobody is "winning" in this battle. There is no battle! Only wasted time and effort.

  • Capitalize on individual strengths, not differences.

  • Identify what we are truly seeking out of life, not what society influences.

  • Spend less energy on complaining, and more time on achieving.


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